Faster Mobile Websites - Slides
Earlier this year I was lucky enough to get the chance to present at UpFront Conference in Manchester. This was the inaugural year for the conference, and it was great to be apart of this event. A few people have asked about the slide deck and wanted to know more. I thought I'd add the link here along with some pictures and the video from the event.
The presentation itself was based on the importance of mobile web performance and a covered a few guidelines that you can use to improve the speed of your mobile websites.
This talk was aimed at all developers that build websites and dives into basic and advanced web performance techniques - there is something for everyone! The talk also covered free tools that developers can use to test and profile the performance of their mobile websites.
The full video of the talk is available to view below.
Dean Hume at Upfront 2015 from Five Simple Steps on Vimeo.
Covering a variety of performance related issues specifically aimed at mobile websites and the techniques that developers can use to overcome them and included:
- Mobile Network Overhead
- Critical Path Rendering
- Basic web performance techniques
- Responsive images
- Performance build automation
- Mobile Website profiling and debugging tools
- A step by step website optimization
I hope you enjoy!