Free Icon Packs for Developers - Part 2

A while ago I created a blog post with a list of free icon packs for developers that can be easily used on any website. The web is packed with loads of great icons, but they seem to be all over the place! I thought it would be handy to collate a list of my favourite icons on the web at the moment. I hope you enjoy!

Google's Material Design Icons

First up on the list is Google's material design icons. If you own an Android phone you may have noticed these icons appear in the latest release of Lollipop.

The Github repository contains over 750 SVG's and CSS sprites of all the icons, as well as Hi-dpi versions of the icons in PNG format.


Licon is a great icon pack. It's made with Pure CSS3, so it's lightweight and means that there is no need to include extra resources, which is great for web performance.

Licon has both SASS and LESS versions so it can easily be modified and merged into modern projects.

Evil Icons

Evil icons is a set of lightweight SVG icons for your web project.

If you use Node.js, you can install the Evil Icons as a package and simply include the CSS styles and you are ready to roll. If you are interested in a clean set of SVG icons, then this is for you!


Github have also released a set of icons that they use across their sites. The Octicons repository contains over 150 Icon Fonts that have been individually handcrafted by the team at Github.

If you aren't familiar with icon fonts, read here why they are so awesome.

Dev Icons

Dev Icons is a crisp set of icons representing different programming languages, designing & development tools.

If you'd like to see a full list of the programming related icons that are available, I recommend checking out their website.


Originally built for the Ionic Framework, these icons are a set of premium icon fonts. Regardless of whether you use Ionic or not, these icon fonts can be downloaded separately and added to your application.

The Github repository already comes with all the files built and ready to go, but you can also build the fonts from the source if you prefer.

Zocial icons

If you are looking for a set of social and branding icons, Zocial icons might be for you.

With popular brands such as Vimeo, Spotify and LinkedIn to name a few, the Github repository contains all the information that you need to get started.

I hope you have found this list useful! If you have any icons that you think are worthwhile adding to this list, please feel free to leave a comment below.