Introducing Onesie - A tool for One on One meetings

Onesie is an tool to help you get the most out of your One one One meetings. It has features that allow you to track, take notes, and help you improve engagement with your team.

In my day to day role as an Engineering Manager, a key part of my job is having One on One meetings with the people in my team. A One on One is a dedicated time in the calendar for an open-ended conversation between a manager and an employee. These meetings aren't meant to be status reports, but rather a time to check-in, reflect and may even involve coaching, venting, etc.

When I have One on One meetings with my reports, I always take notes and jot them down on paper. The problem I found was that I never organised these notes properly and used them in the best way. I always had to shuffle back and forwards in my notepad and often lost notes. This gave me an idea and encouraged me to build a little something called Onesie.

Onesie is an tool to help you get the most out of your One one One meetings. It has features that allow you to take notes and help you improve engagement with your team.

Like most of us these days, I work almost exclusively remotely, and trying to maintain a connection with my team whilst being remote has been challenging. Without regular contact, One on One's can sometimes run of out energy and lose momentum.  For this reason, Onesie has a built-in function that suggests topics to talk about or important themes that you could run through with your employee.

Onesie is designed to work offline. So once you visit the site for the first time, it is cached and ready to use, even without a network connection. This can be particularly handy if you are on your mobile device and you lose connection, or perhaps working from a cafe and it has no Wifi.

Even if you aren't a people manager with line reports, Onesie is a useful tool to take notes from a conversation and then refer to them at a later stage (or the next time that you speak to that person).

Best of all, Onesie is completely free. I built this project as a tool for myself, but also out of love for the craft of people management. I would love for you to start using it, and welcome any feedback or improvements that you might have.

Head over to Onesie today to learn more.