Velocity Conference Europe 2013 is a wrap!

Another year, another great conference. This year's Velocity Conference in Europe was packed with loads of great talks and tutorials. Velocity Conference is three great days of concentrated focus on the key aspects of web performance, operations, and mobile performance. If you are interested in web performance or developer operations, then this is the conference for you. At the end of every year's conference, I like to do a quick summary of events and share a few useful links of the great slides that were presented.

Getting the LEAST from your Images - Dean Hume & Robin Osborne

Together with my good friend Robin Osborne, we presented a talk entitled "Getting the LEAST from your images". The talk covered various different image optimization techniques which included a few sneaky tricks to reduce the number of image HTTP requests that your web pages make.

Along with the slides, we've created a website that showcases the different techniques that we covered. The website has live working examples ranging from image optimization tools, WebP images, compressive images to lazy loading images.

The source code for the working examples can be found on Github, and if you have any thoughts on these techniques or have any techniques that you use for your own images, please let us know. We would love to hear your feedback.

Automating The Removal Of Unused CSS - Addy Osmani

Using common CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation may leave you with unused CSS in your web pages. The best way to minimize the latency caused by bulky Style Sheets is to cut down on the CSS footprint. Addy Osmani ran through a few tools that will help you remove unused CSS in your web page.

DOM to Pixels: Accelerate Your Rendering Performance - Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis is a Developer Advocate on the Google Chrome team. In his talk he shared some really useful tools and techniques for improving the rendering performance of your web applications. I couldn't find a copy of his slides, but came across this video that he presented at another conference covering the same topic.

Hope you enjoy the slides and I hope to see you there next year!