Free icon packs for developers

Over the years, I have started to hoard a collection of links to various free icons that I find on the net. Often, I use these icons to spruce up simple prototypes or just make my web pages look livelier. Unfortunately, I've been collecting these links to icon packs and never get the chance to use half of them! If you are a web developer that has need for free icons, then this might be for you.

This article will hopefully provide you with a list of free icons that you can use in your day to day development. This list features five great icons packs that are available to download today.


IconMonstr is an awesome site that provides you with a list of over 1000 icons that are freely available to download. Every time I re-visit the site, there seems to be more icons that have been added. You are able to download the icons in either PNG or SVG format.

IconMonstr free icons

To download the icons, please visit


Having only recently discovered the site, I am quickly becoming a big fan of the IcoMoon fonts. There is a free pack available that provides you with 450 free icons that come in PNG or SVG format.

IcoMoon free icons

To download the pack, please visit the site.

Simple Icons

This list was recently featured on the Smashing Magazine website, but I thought that these icons were definitely worth a repost.

Simple icons free

Simple icons can be downloaded from the site at and come with 116 PNG icons in eleven sizes, ranging from 16px to 4096px.

The Entypo Pictogram Suite

Entypo is a set of 250+ pictograms that also contains a set of icon fonts. If you aren't familiar with icon fonts, think of them as Wingdings for the web. They scale really well and don’t require http requests for each character making them perfect for the web. For more information on icon fonts, check out this blog.

Entypo free icons

And to download the icon pack, check out the website.


Typicons are a set of free vector icons embedded in a webfont kit for easy use in your UI. Again, this icon pack comes in both PNG or SVG format.

Typicons free icons

For more information or to download the pack, please visit the website at

I hope you have found this list useful! If you have any icons that you think are worthwhile adding to this list, please feel free to leave a comment below.