My Favourite Talks at Velocity Conference New York 2014
After a long flight and a little bit of jetlag, I've arrived back in London after visiting New York for Velocity Conference 2014. In typical Velocity fashion, the quality of the talks have been amazing and there have been a few highlights that are worth sharing. I thought it would be worthwhile to gather all the slides and links together in one place.
Extreme Mobile Web Performance
First up and definitely worth sharing is Maximilliano Firtman's talk about Extreme Web performance for the mobile web. In it, he covered all aspects related to mobile web performance and the key tips and tricks that you can use to improve your mobile websites today. The slides contain detailed demos that explain the different factors that can affect mobile web performance.
Progressive JPEGs: Good or Evil?
Progressive JPEGs have long been thought of as the best way to improve perceived speed for our users. However, in this talk, Tammy Everts challenges this theory by using a set of Facial Action Coding tests to determine user's happiness when presented with progressive JPEGs vs standard and optimized images. Are progressive JPEGs really the best option for our user's overall happiness?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the HTTP Archive - Dean Hume & Robin Osborne
Okay, I am a little biased with this one! I have to admit, it was awesome speaking at Velocity Conference New York and both Robin and myself had a great time.
If you are interested in our talk and would like to take a look at the slides, please check them out on SpeakerDeck.