Progressive Web Apps - My new book is available!

I am super excited to announce that my latest book has been published and is available to purchase!

A few years ago, I was sitting in a conference room listening to Google’s Alex Russell talk about Service Workers and how they were the next big thing that was going to change the web. Many people in the audience (myself included) weren’t too sure about these newfangled features and the benefits that they might bring to the web. But, true to his word, Service Workers and now Progressive Web Apps are here to stay and have forever changed the web for good.

Progressive Web Apps Book - Dean Hume

Progressive Web Apps was written to help you leverage the amazing features of Progressive Web Apps to build fast, engaging and resilient web applications. The book begins by focussing on the basics of Progressive Web Apps and then soon dives into their core features and demonstrates how to implement them on your own websites. The book dissects existing PWAs that many large organisations around the world have built and explores the different tips and tricks that you can use to improve your own Progressive Web Apps.

The book is available for purchase today via the Manning website or Amazon. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did writing it!